Insomnia is a sleep problem. If your child has insomnia, it means they have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep at night, or they might be waking up too early.Short-term insomnia lasts only a few days or weeks. This is also called acute insomnia.Long-term insomnia is when your child has trouble sleeping at least 3 times a week, and this problem lasts for a month or longer. This is also called persistent or chronic insomnia.A change in your child’s sleep behavior – like going to bed later than you’d like – isn’t necessarily a sleep problem. But if you’re concerned that your child might have insomnia, there are signs you can watch for at bedtime, during the night and during the day.Sleep problems can keep some teens awake at night even when they want to sleep. Teens who don't get enough sleep don’t do as well in school or sports. They may feel moody, depressed, or have other emotional problems. And teens who drive without enough sleep are more likely to be in car accidents.During the teen years, the body's internal sleep clock is reset to fall asleep later at night and wake up later in the morning. This change happens because teen brains make the sleep hormone melatonin later at night than kids’ and adults’ brains do. So, teens have a harder time falling asleep. Sometimes this delay in the sleep–wake cycle is so severe that it affects a person's daily activities. In those cases it's called delayed sleep phase syndrome or "night owl" syndrome.This isn't the only reason teens lose sleep, though. Bright lights and the blue light from electronic devices also delay the release of melatonin, making it even harder to sleep. insomnia trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.Most teens have nightmares once in a while. Nightmares can wake someone up during the night and make it hard to fall back to sleep. The most common triggers for frequent nightmares are stress or anxiety. Other things that can trigger them include illness, some medicines, using drugs or alcohol, and not getting enough sleep. Most sleepwalkers are kids, but some teens and adults also sleepwalk. Sleepwalking often happens when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting enough sleep, or is stressed. Remedy is to consult a doctor. doctor will probably ask a lot of questions to understand why your child might be having difficulty sleeping. The doctor might also examine your child to check for any signs of a medical problem. This can sometimes include a blood test. Treatment for insomnia depends on what’s causing your child’s insomnia. Your doctor will work with you and your child to find the best way to help them sleep better. Insomnia treatments can include the following. Sometimes treatment for insomnia might just be a case of changing your child’s sleep habits. Avoiding daytime naps. Removing clocks from the bedroom. Changing your child’s bedtime. Having a quiet and relaxing bedtime routine and sleep environment. Encouraging your child to go to bed at night as soon as they show signs of being sleepy. You should give your child sleep medicine only if your doctor advises you to do so and only if your doctor is supervising your child’s treatment. Never give your child more than the recommended dose of any medicine.
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